CERES Fair Food is a fresh fruit and vegetable delivery business serving households across Melbourne. Fair Food’s fresh produce is locally sourced, seasonal and organic. From its website, consumers can choose from seven types of fresh food boxes, ranging from the $25 juice box to the $68 large mixed fruit and vegetable box that can feed a family for a week. Consumers can add extra produce to their box, as well as other grocery products including bread, dairy, dry goods, and other household products.

In an average month, Fair Food supplies 1350 households and sources produce from 30 Victorian growers, contributing close to $1 million annually to the local farming economy.

As a not-for-profit intermediary between producers and consumers, Fair Food maximises returns for farmers and reduces food costs to customers.

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Case Study


Key takeaways:

  1. If you are selling your product online make sure your website is informative, efficient and customer-friendly.

  2. Build your organization based on what you are good at. The success of CERES involved the experience, skills and knowledge gained by the manager over 10 years of involvement the industry.