This mindset resource is a bit different than usual… One element of entrepreneurship not always spoken about is the toll it takes on you both physically and mentally.

I’ve always been a great sleeper (hello sleeping ’till noon as a teenager) but I have to admit, even I, pretty much the best sleeper ever, have had trouble with this crazy brain of mine keeping me up at all hours.

Ever since taking the leap to work on my own business, there seem to be a million things that literally keep me up at night. And I know I’m not alone in this as an entrepreneur.

Sometimes it’s just that the best ideas and hits of inspiration come to me at 4am, then I need to start planning out how to implement it all… (no, it can’t wait till morning!)

Sometimes it’s the sheer weight of my to-do list…

Sometimes it’s anxiety about neglecting some of the people I love most because of moving too quickly from one project to the next (ok, I lied, from trying to keep alllll the project balls up in the air at once…)

Long story short, I can’t even imagine what state I would be in without the tools my mom teaches for getting back to sleep when your mind is running crazy. (Note: this isn’t just ‘mom advice’. She’s been in healthcare for 30 years now, and after being among 7% of people who recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, it’s her life’s mission to help people improve their sleep to reduce risk of illness and regain the energy they need to do their life’s work!)

I can’t imagine what it’s like to experience insomnia in a big way, but I know from the tiny glimpses I have in my own life that it would be one of the worst health difficulties to tackle without support.

That’s why I want to share this 5 day email sleep challenge, Master Your 3 AM Monkey Mind. My mom is hosting this to help people like us idea-driven entrepreneurs tackle that monkey mind keeping us up at all hours of the night.

You can learn more about the sleep challenge here.


“What would you say if you only had 100 words persuade me?”

Pretend I’m sitting in front of you right now and asked you this. Imagine that you had to come up with a short ‘pitch’ right on the spot.

What are your first instincts? What questions are running through your head?

I imagine you’re wondering why you are limited to so few words, what parts of your work might be most interesting to me, and 100 words to share what exactly??

It’s always been fascinating to me that going along with the natural way of communicating is not necessarily the most effective method to get your point across. We tend to ramble, losing our ideas in words. If we’re still thinking our ideas through we come across as vague or unsure, leaving confidence on the table. And we share our message in a linear way, not in a structure that ebbs and flows and builds momentum for our listener.

Imagine if you could find the right words, were so clear on your message, and had such great delivery and structure that you knew whoever you were speaking with really GOT IT.  How rewarding and exciting would it be to share that moment with them?!

The process of thoughtfully crafting your core message(s), and the corresponding actions you want people to take with you, is such a valuable practice for your business.

That’s why this week on the blog I’ve shared 5 keys to crafting a remarkable, memorable, and persuasive pitch. Keep reading here.



Yesterday marked the kickoff to Season 2 of The Show. I had an amazing conversation with Kari Enge, founder and editor of Rank & File magazine.

Kari shared soooo much good and highly practical advice for social entrepreneurs. We also talked about why Kari started this magazine for changemakers, how she approaches media differently than most, and how she’s managed to bake her why into every element of the business.

Kari and I were live inside the Global Social Entrepreneurs Lab group on Facebook (my and Solène’s growing home on the internet with now over 1300 members).

You can easily catch the replay here.

